Empowering people to improve their lives and mental health

Carole smiling at the camera. They have blonde hair just above the shoulders, a side parting and part of their hair shaved. They're wearing glasses

Hello, I’m Carole (they/them) and I’m an LGBTQ+ coaching psychologist. I appreciate that that doesn’t actually tell you much about who I am or what I do, so let’s start there.

I work with people who are LGBTQIA+, polyamorous, ethically or consensually non-monogamous, relationship anarchists and kinky/into BDSM. They are unhappy with one or more aspects of their lives and ready to make some positive changes, even if they don’t know what those changes might be.

They may be:

  • Burntout,

  • Feeling like they’re buried by the demands of life and like they’ve lost the spark for life,

  • Struggling with stress,

  • Unsure about their identity,

  • Feeling like they don’t know themselves,

  • Wrestling with self critical thoughts and a lack of self acceptance,

  • Dealing with gender dysphoria,

  • Unsure about coming out to people,

  • Facing some tough reactions from others,

  • Wanting some support in adopting a new relationship structure or philosophy towards relationships,

  • Struggling with insecurities,

  • Experiencing difficult emotions like jealousy, anger and resentment.

What all of the people I work with have in common is a desire for things to be different and a commitment to making that happen.

When you choose to work with me you get support with your mental health and wider personal development that is 100% personalised, anti-oppressive, takes intersectionality into account and is tailored to your own specific circumstances and needs. I can help you to find some space to breathe again, understand what’s happening in a compassionate way, find a way of working with yourself rather than continuously fighting against yourself and to gain stability in your relationships with others and yourself. I will pay attention to you as a whole, complete person while we do this important work together. You are more than your struggles and you absolutely can have a better, happier, healthier life.

Every year at Reading Pride, I have chalkboards with a different question on them and people are invited to contribute to the boards with their responses. We take photos of the boards at the end of the day and I share them online. Then, as part of my prep each year, I paint over and reuse the chalkboards. You can find photos of the chalkboards from Pride 2022 - 2024 below :)

What my clients get from working with me

  • Personal development

  • A greater sense of control over their life and emotions

  • More confidence

  • Understand themselves better - including what drives them and what’s holding them back

  • Overcoming obstacles, making positive changes and getting real results

  • An authentic life

  • Feeling happier

  • More stable and fulfilling life & relationships

And they get this without…

  • Feeling like they’re alone just stumbling around in the dark

  • Worrying about whether I will accept them

  • Long waiting lists

  • Concern over having to force a fit with a specific approach or method that doesn’t suit them

  • Concern about my knowledge and skills - I have monthly supervision with a more experienced and skilled professional and I regularly engage in continuing professional development

Listen to my podcast The Proud Psychologist

Listen to my podcast The Proud Psychologist ★

This podcast covers a range of topics such as:

  • the need for LGBTQ specific mental health spaces

  • the language we use around relationships and their impact

  • what the film Inside Out from Disney Pixar can teach us about emotions

  • the impact of stress

  • and much more.

Latest: Asexuality & Relationships

Check out some of my articles

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